type your name and 'needs' into google and see what it comes up with... apparently my needs are as follows:
Carla needs 1300 milligrams every day. don't ask me 'of what'.... it's none of your business....
Carla needs some pretty serious psychological help. Oh dear. How true this is. I am weeping at the accuracy of what is merely meant to be a bit of fun with a search engine. Beck don't even bother to comment. Elizabeth - shut up!! :)
Carla needs to accept responsibility for the results . ... what results are these? I suppose I got a positive pregnancy result 15 months ago and I think I'm taking pretty good care of the outcome!! Okay so in my blog earlier today I did mention that I wished my 6 month old would start bloody contributing financially but she's not... so in theory I'm still responsible for her yeah?
Carla needs to pee and encouraged by Kim slips into a small park ... okay, honestly, I don't know anyone named Kim. Granted, a friend of mine in Sydney would argue that I have an incredibly small bladder so she thinks I ALWAYS need to pee, but really, I've never peed in a small park.... on a roadside in Africa perhaps, but it was New Years Eve and there was large quantities of vodka involved and..... anyway, you probably don't want to hear about that.
Carla needs to know how precious and lovable she is, and that her father's absence has nothing to do with her. Oooh, okay when I started this 'googling' fun I didn't realise there would be home truths involved.... next one....
Some time later, Carla needs him to use his old skills and he, unwillingly, obliges her. Unwilling obliges her!! How incredibly insulting.... and why would I be wanting him to use his old skills anyway!!?? Ewwww....
Carla needs Paul. ... no I don't..... really. I need Dave. I love Dave. Honey you HAVE to believe me..!!! ;)
Carla needs to feel a job is really hers. Which job are we talking about here? Are we talking about the job that entails me swanning around all day sipping strawberry daquiris, hob-nobbing with others, wearing pretty party frocks and being the centre of attention? Yes, I need to feel that job is mine!!! Or do you mean the job where I get to change poo-ey nappies all day, get vomited on a zillion times, and try to console a screaming baby after her vaccinations? That job? Oh yeah, that job is really mine... :) (footnote: the smiles make it all worth it!)
Carla needs your support! god - needy little so-and-so aren't I?
Carla needs only to stand perfectly still on a gloomy rooftop, peer intently into a pair of binoculars, and read lips as she's never read them before. ... God that's it!! That's what's been missing from my life - me standing in the rain on a rooftop attempting to communicate with someone through a bloody pair of binoculars..... honey, I'm going out to buy some binoculars!!