Today has been a little quieter, I've only managed to wash up, sterilise bottles and do a little bit on my Chapter Six, download some photos of Charlotte - and it's already 10am, I really have wasted a morning haven't I? Firstly let me draw your attention to a previous post on financial, swimming, and falling woes where photos are now availabe from the first swimming lesson. They aren't great photos, though Lorraine did try. But between the glass and a less than happy little girl, it wasn't really a great photo op. Please note the new pink swimmers Lib, though there will be better photos taken in the sandpit where you can actually see them!!!
Now for the real news - THERE ARE ONLY 20 MORE SLEEPS UNTIL THE GIRL WEEKEND FROM HEAVEN!! Yes folks, I am taking a break. I am leaving Brisbane sans child and heading for Sydney. Lib and I will then drive up to the Hunter Valley where we will partake of plenty of wine and good food while we enjoy an evening of Missy Higgins at A day on the green. I really can't wait.