Well, it's been a busy few days here readers. I'd like to say it's because I've been powering along on my thesis but all I've managed to do on that in the last week is find about 5 articles I need to read (I found them, printed them off and there they sit on my computer waiting to be read - I haven't even stapled them, how sad. And I call myself a Type A personality - ha).
Well, the banks gave us a big fat raspberry, and two credit card companies have laughed in our faces - seriously, where are all these dodgy credit companies whose only criteria is that you can stand upright and have an opposable thumb??? (this is not a rhetorical question people - all dodgy credit company referrals greatly accepted!).
Today we went swimming.
It was not a good experience. Gone are the days of my little muffin being social and chatty and smiley. Two days ago, that child left and in her place I seem to have a clingy, scared, shy little person who has learnt to grip onto mummy's waist with her toes at the slightest sign that she's going to be put down.... I'm trying to tell myself to love this stage where she desperately wants to be with me. I know that all too soon she'll barely cast me a backwards glance as she slams the front door behind her on her way to some cool party, the likes of which I as a nerdy mother will no doubt never have experienced. oh Charlotte, if only you could know of the many parties your mummy went to .... met your daddy at one actually ;) but I digress (again).
which brings me to the falling. this i have not managed to capture on camera. I could take a photo of the split second after a fall where she freezes and draws breathe for the scream which will ensue - or I could in fact take a photo of the sad little face as she calms down, complete with bottom lip out and tears down the cheeks. but of course, that doesn't seem an appropriate time to rush for the camera. yes, the falls are coming thick and fast. standing is the favourite pastime at the moment - unfortunately, with standing does not always come a great sense of balance and hence the multitude of bruises..... I won't post those, just my luck I'd have DOCS banging at my door (that's the dept of child services to those of you who don't know).... or is it community services?? either way....