Thursday, January 12, 2006

Still no teeth.....OUCH, oh hang on....

So while at the Child Health Nurse yesterday I was asked for the umpteenth time whether she had any teeth. Loud sigh from me, "no still no teeth", and shove my finger in her mouth as if to prove my point - and THERE IT WAS. Right where a first tooth should be, bottom front left tooth. hardly really a tooth at all though. So here is the photo of her first tooth .........

can you see it? No? Well that's because I haven't bloody seen it either...."Charlotte, just show mummy sweetie, open your mouth" At this point she clamped her little lips together and shook her head. Finally she obligingly opened her mouth and then proceeded to stick her tongue over her bottom lip so I couldn't see squat - thanks honey, that's very helpful. little monkey. she had a cheeky glint in her eye. I did finally manage to spy it - though the chances of me capturing it with the camera are slim to none - and it looks like nothing more than a tiny whitehead on her gum. It has the distinct feel however of a razor sharp puppy tooth so I won't be shoving my finger in there again any time soon.

Okay, I lie, I have since put my finger in her mouth about a trillion times since I discovered it yesterday. I'm hoping I'm not the only insane mother to do this - help me out girls.... girls?

Anyway, at least I can breathe a sigh of relief now, knowing that she won't still be gumming her food to death at the age of five - I was beginning to think she might!!