Sunday, November 13, 2005

I don't think there's any risk of that.....

Last week I went to see the child health nurse, as I do every now and then - just to update Charlotte's statistics. You know, length, weight. ... all those things that people seem fascinated about knowing when it comes to babies..... I'm not sure why we're so fascinated. thankfully people aren't that fascinated about those statistics when it comes to adults as i think I'd find it quite disconcerting to go to work for example and have people say "so, what do you weigh this week?"... but I digress. So I'm at the child clinic updating the stats and she tells me that I'm underfeeding her..... UNDERFEEDING HER???!!! WTF? Seriously, please refer to the 101 Ways to use a bandanna post, take a look at the thighs on my child and tell me I'm underfeeding her - go on, I dare you......

Beep beep beep (the sound a truck makes as it shifts into reverse)

It's also the noise I make when our darling daughter is moving around lately because yes folks, she's this close to crawling (you can't see but my forefinger and my thumb are about 2cm apart!!).... but of course, she's got her gear stick stuck in reverse 'cause she hasn't learnt how to go forward yet!! Not to worry, I'm sure it will happen soon.

What would be even nicer is if she would learn to pat the puppy gently - "GENTLY" I screech to Charlotte as Sophie (the dog) yelps and runs for cover. Not 2 seconds previous to that she (that is, the dog) was soundly asleep dreaming about whatever it is that dogs dream about - only to be rudely awaken by her ear being pulled.... poor thing. There'll be nowhere she can go soon without that happening - once the munchkin is fully mobile. I've never been a fan of the child playpen, but perhaps I can buy one and put the dog in it to sleep - she should be safe in there!!

Anyway, so I have no photos of the dog hair pulling or ones of the crawling attempts (they happen too fast to photo just yet) - but I do have photos of the latest achievement - sitting... yes, seriously, who would have thought that Dave and i would ever have been so enthralled with watching another human being sit on their bum. I like sitting on my bum - and I'm sure Dave enjoys it too (I mean, he's in IT so there is lots of bum sitting... just kidding hon). Anyway, so here's photographic proof.

You'll notice in the second photo the blur as her head races towards the floor. About a millisecond after this shot I dropped the camera in an attempt to catch her before she hit the floor - but alas I was too slow. There was tears, there was screaming, then there was raspberries on the tummy followed by giggles. Truly, the child is a regular Jekyll and Hyde!! (for those who care, the camera is fine too!)