Sunday, March 19, 2006

New yard owner rediscovers childhood!!

Evening dear readers - quick post tonight to remind you all just how happy I am with our new backyard (thanks Peter, Peter's sons - Nick and Joel yeah?, and Craig the bobcat man!!). I have rediscovered my child side!! Goodbye anal-retentive, a-type-personality and hello fun-loving mummy!! Every afternoon for the past 3 days has been spent outside, frollicking in the grass with charlotte and our neighbours' little girl (who is one year older than charlotte). Zahri and I have trekked up and down those new stairs a gazillion times (she's in the the 'i love stairs' phase!!). I've tried teaching her to roll down a hill sideways (I had forgotten how much fun that was!!) and last but not least I did a cartwheel, a few handstands and a somersault. Of course, I forgot (having not done one for bloody 20 years!) that you are meant to take the weight of your body on your hands NOT your neck..... result? severe whiplash on my first day of enjoying the backyard followed by 2 days of mersyndol attempting to stop my neck from spasm-ing!!! Dave called me 'old girl'.... my ego was wounded - ha ha ha - I don't feel my age - why should I act it...... anyway just wanted to tell you all how much I love grass... oh and stay tuned... Dave has plans for a treehouse, a suspension bridge, a slide and a sandpit..... backyards rock!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Take a moment to feel the grass beneath your feet...

Hello dear readers, tonight I write to you with a song in my heart - yes, the landscaping that we've been 'getting around to' for six years now (until we finally came to our senses and paid a wonderful landscaper to do) is nearly completed. Well, okay, the plants are yet to be planted and the sand pit is yet to be filled with sand... but you get my drift. They say a picture speaks 1000 words, so I'm going to leave you with the visual.....

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Day X of landscaping

Okay dear readers - no idea what day we're up to with the landscaping - we lost quite a few days in there when the rains came..... but we're back on track now, the ground had sufficiently hardened (actually baked would be a better word as we have clay soil), and the turf will probably be laid next Monday... but don't hold me to that!!

You'll note the outhouse is still there - well we've changed our minds yet again and we're ditching the outhouse in our kerbside cleanup next week and replacing it with a much more functional (but of much less sentimental value - from an architectural point of view that is) 3x3 colorbond shed - yet to be purchased. We think it's important to have the shed - with so little to argue about in our lives, Dave and I will be able to argue about who hasn't put the screwdrivers back where they belong and why is the tape measure not in the allotted tape measure space. Of course these will all be my issues - anal retentive A-type personality that I am. I even have a peg board in mind - you know, replete with the painted on tool shadows so you know exactly where the tools are meant to be? *sigh*

So here are the updated photos - wall complete, ground ready for new lawn and Carla madly planning which plants are going to go where and how big is my (I mean Charlotte's) sandpit going to be!!

Til next time dear readers....

Friday, March 03, 2006

I always wanted a swimming pool....

the title says it all.....feeling dejected, I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day 3 - no photos

Dear readers - I've taken photos I'm just too lazy to post them - its time for my bed!!! But trust me, apart from the dirt and some rocks being in different positions, it really hasn't changed that much since yesterday.... the only hitch? they can't find any fill so it won't be done by the weekend. Apparently, unbeknownst to the average householder, and it really is quite alarming when you think about it, in Brisbane we are labouring under a complete lack of fill at the moment.... eek, I hear you say.... egads. It's a fill famine!!! I questioned the landscaper and the bobcat man as to what creates a fill shortage but alas, they seemed unable to enlighten me.

Ironically, our neighbours (the un-neighbourly ones) who have the pool currently being constructed would have had an entire truckload of fill not 6 weeks ago that they would have had to pay to have taken away......oh the irony.

Day 2..... Progress!!

Good morning dear readers,
It's actually Day 3 of landscaping but I took photos this morning before they started doing any more work - I didn't get a chance to take photos yesterday because apparently my day was meant to be spent cleaning up vomit and poo, the floor, me, charlotte and wherever else said vomit and poo ended up. Yes, we have some sort of gastro bug in this house... well not in the house so much as in Charlotte. Thankfully neither her Dad nor I seem to have got this (touch wood). Anyway, so that is why lack of blog entry yesterday. To keep you up to date - here are some photos from yesterday's landscaping efforts...... progress!!