Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi myname is Joe.

So Charli comes home from school the other day and starts singing Hi My name is Joe and I work in a window factory....

I burst out laughing - remembering a similar song from camp years ago - and say No Charli, he works in a button factory. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about - YouTube it or just go here. Anyway, so we spend the next half an hour in the backyard no doubt giving the neighbours a good laugh singing this song and arguing about the words.

Flash forward to 3am the next morning and i get up to Charli who is talking in her sleep and I walk in and hear "hi, my name is Joe and I work in a window factory"...... ROFL. And there you have it people - she doesn't pay attention to what I teach her - even in her sleep she defies me ;)


  1. LOL!! I had a similar conversation with Jemima about "My Highland Goat". Apparently it is no longer tied to the railway tracks and left to die!
