Saturday, August 07, 2010

2 year anniversary...

Hello dear readers... no not a two year anniversary of a relationship readers but a 2 year anniversary celebrating the life that is... but nearly wasn't. Two years ago to this day I was hovering somewhere in a sub-38 degree celsius induced coma after suffering a fatal/near fatal cardiac arrest. Today has been emotional and to be honest it hit me out of the blue... to be honest I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm really as insightful as I've always thought i was.... hmm.

I spent the day with my girls but without my husband as he's on call for work. Parks, picnics, playing and all the while all I could think about what that this was my second chance. The universe has allowed me to see them aged 3 and 5.... when in reality if it weren't for some stroke of universal luck/ fate / god's hand/ what have you... I may have ceased to have seen their lives beyond 1 and 3........ today that hit me full force and I've downed at least a bottle of wine, bathed in a hot radox bath and kissed them 1000 times before tucking them into bed...... and I'm still a little shaky. I sense that sleep may not come easy tonight... so many possibilities are swirling through my head and while I know the 'what if' game is pointless, tonight I am playing it nonetheless.

Sweet dreams.



  1. so much love to you ((hugs))

    fwiw I think you're very insightful :D


  2. Dear Carls,
    I can't believe it's been 2 years already!
    So very happy things turned out the way they did and am even happier that I get to see you make the most of every situation, opportunity and day.


  3. I thank the heavens you are still here every day.
    I love you sis.
