Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hi Ho Hi Ho

It's off to work we go...... yes today I started back at work part-time after 6 months off. that'd be the longest period in my adult life that I've not been at work. And by work of course I mean the kind where I get to sit on my bum all day, chat with fellow office workers, have a long lunch and get paid for it all. As opposed to the kind of employment I've had in the last 6 months which has been wiping up vomit, changing less than desirable nappies, wearing vomit, being peed on, did I mention wiping up vomit? Oh, and you don't get paid..... oh unless you count the baby bonus (thanks johny)....but of course all of that was spent before I'd even had the little blighter what with all the stuff people tell you you have to have - she needs somewhere to sleep, somewhere to be changed, she must wear clothes and have one of those car seat things so she can be driven around like lady muck..... did I mention I was sending her out to start earning an income soon?? LOL..... but yes ladies and gents, with all my joking how much hard work it is to raise a baby and my poor husband still had to drive me to work today while I sobbed most of the way there about how much I was going to miss her..... I'm sure he wanted to scream at me "you've been complaining for 6 months about how you miss your pre-mummy life, now get over it".... but the smart man knew better....................