Friday, April 21, 2006

Transitioning to one nap....

Hello dear readers,
My little poppet is sort of transitioning to one sleep - but still quite early in the day - waking about noon. So by 4pm, we really don't like her to go down for a nap (she'll be awake til midnight if we do!!!) but she is exhausted. It's hard to deny her a nap though when this is what happens when you're trying to keep her awake!! And no, she had not had any of the beer you see in the background!!

And so we relented.....

We'll give her half an hour before we turn the telly up to blaring and scare the living daylights out of her

(I'm just kidding people....)

Disclaimer: Barbie products not condoned in our household. This sofa bed being relocated to Nan and Granddad's house at the earliest convenience!!!

Dear Charlotte...

Dearest Charlotte,
It seems just yesterday - and yet a lifetime ago too - that I held you in my arms for the first time. Where has the year gone my baby? You have given your Daddy and I so much happiness over the past twelve months and we love you so very much.

I want to tell you how much you mean to us and how much you make us laugh... that squeal of excitement that we get first thing in the morning is worth the 5am wake-ups (well usually!!).

I want to tell you how much your Nanna would have loved meeting you - and how she is your own personal guardian angel - always watching over you.

I want to tell you how hard it is not to laugh now you are learning the concept of 'tantrum' and how I have to leave the room when you clench your fists and stamp your feet - just so you can't see me smile ... you have a mind of your own and I foresee years of asserting your independence ahead of you!!

I want to tell you that you have changed your Mummy and Daddy's lives forever - and only for the better. The sleep-ins, the relaxing holidays, the dinners without interruption, the countless other things we have 'lost' ..... those things pale in comparison to the endless joy that you've brought to our lives.....

We love you big one-year old girl...xoxo

Happy Birthday Monkey

Our beautiful little monkey turned one yesterday. I had decided to take the day off work to celebrate with her and what a delightful day we had. We spent some time with friends, went and bought some more pressies (because Dave and I had given them all to her about 2 weeks ago in excitement!!). Here is a photo of Charli and I - a bit blurry...... you try holding a one year old still!!

There was opening pressies on first waking up - forgive the 'bed hair'... :)

There was much fun to be had playing with toys that we'd given her - Dave and I may have been having more fun than her - it was hard to tell......

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter.... again!

Good afternoon dear readers - and a happy easter sunday to you all. I do hope the easter bunny was kind to you this morning. We had lunch at our place with Dave's family today. Charli girl was allowed one egg - she was fairly unimpressed actually and was more interested in trying to fish out the toy that was inside!! here's our family easter photo...

And here she is just playing on her own with her little wagon..... cute huh?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

You mean we're supposed to TALK to each other??

What worries me most about this cartoon and the fact that I find it funny is that it's a little too like our lives!! :)

Happy Easter!!

Dear Readers,
here's to you all having a lovely easter - and I hope the Easter Bunny is kind to you all. Dave and I aren't giving each other eggs this year - it's all about Charlotte from here on in. So we got her a KinderSurprise - she's allowed one egg (she is after all, not even one yet). Well actually, truth be told, Dave bought two and has just devoured his now. Mostly I think he wanted to put together the toy that is inside....... we are taking bets on what this little fellow is meant to be.... anyone?

Okay, I'll start the ball rolling..... I'm sorry, and yes Libby I am perverted, but this is definitely a penis on wheels ...... go on, say it doesn't look like a male appendage twirling some bicycle wheels, I dare ya??

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Turn it up Mum!!!

Good evening dear readers,
How are we all this evening? I, as per usual, am super-tired, but thought I should take this opportunity while child and husband are both asleep, to update you on my hip daughter - shown here listening to some toons......

In an attempt to capture the 'bopping' that was going on (and hence the blurriness of the photo), I took some video footage..... but haven't worked out how to link that yet..... stay tuned.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

post drought

Good evening dear readers,
I've been in a bit of a posting slump of late...... a lot of it has to do with just wanting to enjoy life a bit without having to record it... but I understand there are some of you who are feeling a bit lost without my blogs... go on Lib, you can admit it!! :)

So, a boring post tonight... see these letters?

We bought them for Charlotte to play with on the fridge.... so far I've found them in the tupperware container, in the coke box, under the fridge, in the lounge stuffed under the lounge chair cushions...... at any one time there's usually only 4 letters ON the actual fridge....Dave looked at me while I was pulling some out of the cupboard and said "parenthood isn't anything like I imagined it would be but I love it anyway" - well that's lucky!!! :)