Monday, August 14, 2006

Can she live up to her title?

Well dear readers..... as little as I've been posting lately - I may soon hit an all time low as I bid you adieu for a few months. On a whim a fortnight ago I applied for a scholarship that will pay me to convert to full-time on my thesis (i.e. give up my job/go on extended leave of absence) and complete and submit in 16 weeks. Submission date 8th December.... not the 9th.... not the 10th... but the 8th. This is non-negotiable. Talk about pressure huh (scholarship monies to be repaid if I can't submit on time)..... and you guessed it - on Friday night I was offered the scholarship. A weekend of panicking, stressing, weighing up finances... weighing up the stresses of having to submit a thesis in 16 weeks and give birth a mere 2 weeks later (and that's assuming the little blighter doesn't come early)....... all of this resulted in a very sleepless couple of nights and the ultimate decision was made this morning to accept the scholarship and go hell for leather getting it completed.

Let's face it... I had trouble completing it when i was full-time, when i was single, when i was married with no dependents - the thought of working part-time and raising 2 children under 2 - let's be honest, if I don't complete this now it will never happen. And in case I've not alluded to it before, clearly if anything has been learnt in the past 8 years, it's that I'm not self-motivated enough if there are no deadlines...... so I've just given myself the ultimate deadline......

So blogging may be a thing of the past for awhile.... or I may end up using it as my sounding board in which case you are about to be subjected to 4 months of sheer boredom as you listen to my rants about the post-divorce adjustment of teenage children - sound exciting?

So wish me luck dear readers. All offers of baby-sitting, bringing around home-cooked meals, sending of vouchers for holidays in the Bahamas when this is finally all over........ well they'll all be well received. Adieu......

Ekka 2006

It's Ekka time again (or 'the show' for you southerners) and so far we've totally reaped full benefit from our annual $100 membership by having been to the ekka every day (I'd like to point out that I do work just 50m up the road so ducking down to the show to get a bratwurst dog and strawberry sundae constitutes 'going to the show' that day). Here's a quick shot of hubby and Charlotte outside sideshow alley - now renamed Moove Alley.... everything is sponsored this year!!

More photos probably tomorrow as Charli girl and I are going with our neighbour and her daughter to see the chooks, cows, pigs and hopefully have a pat of all the babies at the animal nursery!!