Monday, March 15, 2010

Does taste run in families?

Hello dear readers,

About a month ago I got this overwhelming urge to watch a lot of my favourite movies from when I was a kid and one of the movies at the top of my list was the Australian film Blue Fin. Last week it finally arrived at the ABC shop at Chermside and my youngest and I embarked on the trip from hell (that really is another blog entry in itself) to pick it up. I am now proud / embarassed / shocked/ delighted / stunned to say that while I have watched it once since last week, my three and four year old daughters have watched it, in total, eight times !!! since last week. I still can't fathom what the appeal is, to ones so young, of a movie of hardship and life learning aboard a tuna ship :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi myname is Joe.

So Charli comes home from school the other day and starts singing Hi My name is Joe and I work in a window factory....

I burst out laughing - remembering a similar song from camp years ago - and say No Charli, he works in a button factory. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about - YouTube it or just go here. Anyway, so we spend the next half an hour in the backyard no doubt giving the neighbours a good laugh singing this song and arguing about the words.

Flash forward to 3am the next morning and i get up to Charli who is talking in her sleep and I walk in and hear "hi, my name is Joe and I work in a window factory"...... ROFL. And there you have it people - she doesn't pay attention to what I teach her - even in her sleep she defies me ;)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Four year old breaks bad news

Charli, Zie and I driving through the rain tonight. charli gasps from the back seat - I'm all like "what??"...

Charli (solemnly): Mum, I have good news and I have bad news...
Me: Er ok, what's the bad news?
Charli: All those weeds you've pulled out, they've probably grown back.
Me: yeah, I know... bummer huh.
Charli: Yeah, but the good news is that the grass will grow too ..... but probably not as well as the weeds.....

Um... thanks for that bad ... and bad... news lol