Monday, January 02, 2006

Add 1950's housewife to my list of roles...

So in the spirit of blogging gifts (and of course in my competitive nature I wanted to beat everyone else to it).... here is the gift from Beck ..... complete with matching silicone spatula (or meanie as my husband calls them).....Thank you Beck I love it.....and here it is in all it's glory being modelled as I bake a toffee chip cheesecake.... Mmmmmmm.

And Charlotte wanted me to blog her gift from Aunty Libby - but it will have to wait until tomorrow because Mummy hasn't taken a decent photo ..... I'm sure you'll all wait with bated breath.... :)

Christmas to New Years Eve.......The final days of 2005

Well, it's a little tragic that I should be catching you all up on the final week of 2005 when in fact it is now the second day of 2006 - what can I say? I've been busy.... what's new huh?

First let me begin by recounting all of the achievements of Christmas Day. Charli girl's first visit from Santa..... and didn't she just LOVE the wrapping paper!! Not that I'm surprised really - I always knew that Dave and I would have more fun with her gifts than she would - she is only 8 months old after all. But the biggest gift for me was probably the moment that she crawled over to me (proper little girl crawling, none of this Army-style commando crawling she seems hell bent on..) pulled herself up onto her knees holding onto the couch/my legs and then pushed her little feet under her and stood up - ALL ON HER OWN.... Dave and I clapped for joy (scaring the shit out of her I might add) and in that moment I realised that life would never be the same. Okay, I guess I should have realised that the day I gave birth to her but the standing on her own - wow, our house is so not ready for this!!

Then when we went to the in-laws for lunch (with her dressed in the most adorable outfit don't you think!!??)

I was showing them how she could stand on her own and then - as if on cue - and knowing that all eyes were upon her... rather than just standing there with her little knees locked in place, swaying back and forth as if she'd consumed one too many beers - she took four little steps and fell into my arms. The applause that ensued was deafening. She giggled as she realised that she was in fact the centre of attention (again) and hasn't taken a step since!! That's my girl - just waiting for the right audience before she performs again!! :)

Then Beck turned up from Sydney and we had a lovely couple of days doing what we usually do when she's here - sweet nothing!! We cruised the shopping centres, sat in airconditioning, sat in the wading pool and sandpit in the back yard - oh and drank.... let's not forget the drinking!! Presents galore abounded (but more on that in my next post.....

All in all a lovely Christmas, a wonderful visit from friends and then rounded off with a nice relaxing New Year in our backyard with all of our other friends that have no lives.... a last minute BBQ that ended for me at 11pm (I couldn't even be bothered seeing in the new year - hard to feel inspired when you know you're going to be roused out of bed at 4.30am by she who will remain nameless!!)....

Happy 2006 to you all!