Saturday, January 28, 2006

Australian's all let us rejoice........... or....... Bernard Fanning you're a legend!!

January 26th. Australia Day and Triple J's hottest 100 countdown (Bernard Fanning came in at #1 with "Wish you well"). No wonder every year we celebrate - two great occasions on one day!! So inevitably every year we have a BBQ. But this is never a planned event. Despite knowing that every year without fail these events WILL occur on the one day, we always leave our invites until about 24 hours before the event. I'm not sure why we do this - it invariably means we forget people (sorry if you didn't get an invite, maybe next year!!) and it always means that I spend the morning before running around like a headless chook (or chooken according to Henry) picking up meat and salads and rolls and green and yellow paper plates and a multitude of other things that we don't have just lying around waiting for 12 people to descend on us!! I am so unorganised. Anyway, so we hung out bbq-ing and drinking.

Here is Charlotte before everyone arrived, just kicking back, not being at all helpful with the preparations!!!

And here is another photo of the legendary Xmas present from Beck.....

Darling Charlotte had been up since 5am so when everyone left not long after 6pm I can't say I was sorry - as delightful a day as it had been..... I was exhausted!!! I believe I was asleep by 8.... how tragic.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My first Toesday

This one's for you Beck - I'm too beat to post anything else, but I came across this photo taken when Charlotte was 6 weeks old - not my feet I'd like to point out - I borrowed all toes from my husband and daughter!!

And here's a print of those luscious little toes on daddy's first father's day card...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A day to remember

Well it's been three years today since my mum passed away. I still miss her every day. This one day of all days though is usually a tough one for me so I took a sickie from work. Well, actually that's not entirely true - I told them exactly why I wasn't coming in today and then took the day off without pay - all above board and everything. I decided I was taking today to celebrate life with my daughter. I know that somehow Mum was watching over us.

as part of my 'celebrate life' day I decided not to get upset or stressed about anything. The day started out nicely with Charlotte taking a good nap from about 8.30 this morning. While she was asleep I packed up our things ready for a trip to the shops when she awoke. At 11am we headed for Brookside Shopping Centre where I purchased some pressies for Dave's upcoming birthday and this swanky little number.

It's only 4kgs.... and folds into a backpack as shown!! How cool is that? I love parenthood - so many more new toys to play with!

While I love our Steelcraft Terrain Deluxe pram, I also needed a light and easy to fold little number for those quick trips to the shop when you just don't want to lift a 12kg pram in and out of the car.

So shopping under control (though as per usual I forgot about 5 items that I will have to go back out for later .... how I would survive on a remote property where you have to travel 2 hours into town for groceries once a month I'll never know!!)

On our return it was lunchtime for charlotte and I decided to let her feed herself spaghetti (remember a day of not being stressed out or cranky). It was hilarious...

Where did that pesky piece of spaghetti go??

Oh there they all are!!

I'm still finding bits of pasta on the floor (though Sophie the Hoover dog has eaten most of it thank goodness...saves me mopping the floors!!!). As you can see, much of it ended up NOT in her mouth. But boy it must have felt good in her hands as I had to pry a piece out 20 minutes later..... she LOVED it.

I then decided that as much fun as we were having, I really needed to get some washing up done, but she just wanted to be entertained. Of course, her idea of entertainment while in the kitchen is to pull each and every can and bottle out of our recycling box. After taking her away from it three times I finally decided that an alternate plaything was called for. Enter the tupperware box.

Of course, we now have to wash all of the tupperware before we use it.... and it didn't take anywhere near long enough to empty out as I would have liked, but she seemed to have fun.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Twenty sleeps and counting

Today has been a little quieter, I've only managed to wash up, sterilise bottles and do a little bit on my Chapter Six, download some photos of Charlotte - and it's already 10am, I really have wasted a morning haven't I? Firstly let me draw your attention to a previous post on financial, swimming, and falling woes where photos are now availabe from the first swimming lesson. They aren't great photos, though Lorraine did try. But between the glass and a less than happy little girl, it wasn't really a great photo op. Please note the new pink swimmers Lib, though there will be better photos taken in the sandpit where you can actually see them!!!

Now for the real news - THERE ARE ONLY 20 MORE SLEEPS UNTIL THE GIRL WEEKEND FROM HEAVEN!! Yes folks, I am taking a break. I am leaving Brisbane sans child and heading for Sydney. Lib and I will then drive up to the Hunter Valley where we will partake of plenty of wine and good food while we enjoy an evening of Missy Higgins at A day on the green. I really can't wait.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A letter from Charlotte

Dear Auntie Libby,
Mummy got me all decked out in my togs today and took me down to the sandpit - with camera in hand she lined me up for a photo so that we could show you how adorable I look in your present ..... alas, despite having charged the batteries last night, she had put them back in the camera and then inadvertently (that's a big word for a little girl isn't it?) turned the camera on so that all the battery power ran out AGAIN!! Mummy is a bit tired lately and doing some silly things. Forgive her. She said we will try again tomorrow.

Love from Charlotte

A Type-A start to the day

Hi all. It's 9.45am here. So far this morning I've:

1. done three loads of washing
2. mopped the floors in the kitchen and cleaned out the bins
3. given charlotte her breakfast, bottle and changed three nappies
4. folded two baskets of laundry and put them away
(okay, i left Dave's on the bed to put away himself - bad wife that I am)
5. tidied up the loungeroom
6. put Charli's toys away in their box
(she then promptly pulled them all out again - the lounge doesn't actually look any better!!)
7. had a shower
(this in itself is worth a mention because it doesn't always happen before noon!!)

I'm sure there's more but does that give you an idea? I should of course, now that she's sleeping, go and have a lie down, but seriously, once you've done all of that work, who is relaxed enough to sleep?? - in fact I'm hungry now from all the energy I've expended (actually I'm ALWAYS hungry but I'm going to use the working hard excuse anyway).

Anyway, there's more washing to do, a sickly husband to take to the GP, post office errands to run (some crap I bought off the internet for Dave's birthday is defective and must be returned), medicare to brave (oh lordy I hate that place), and I guess I should map out the next week's meals, do up a shopping list and brave the grocery store...... Libby, if you're out there... how many sleeps until the Hunter-Valley-divine relaxation-child free-wine drinking-missy higgins-filled weekend??? I need to know!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Still no teeth.....OUCH, oh hang on....

So while at the Child Health Nurse yesterday I was asked for the umpteenth time whether she had any teeth. Loud sigh from me, "no still no teeth", and shove my finger in her mouth as if to prove my point - and THERE IT WAS. Right where a first tooth should be, bottom front left tooth. hardly really a tooth at all though. So here is the photo of her first tooth .........

can you see it? No? Well that's because I haven't bloody seen it either...."Charlotte, just show mummy sweetie, open your mouth" At this point she clamped her little lips together and shook her head. Finally she obligingly opened her mouth and then proceeded to stick her tongue over her bottom lip so I couldn't see squat - thanks honey, that's very helpful. little monkey. she had a cheeky glint in her eye. I did finally manage to spy it - though the chances of me capturing it with the camera are slim to none - and it looks like nothing more than a tiny whitehead on her gum. It has the distinct feel however of a razor sharp puppy tooth so I won't be shoving my finger in there again any time soon.

Okay, I lie, I have since put my finger in her mouth about a trillion times since I discovered it yesterday. I'm hoping I'm not the only insane mother to do this - help me out girls.... girls?

Anyway, at least I can breathe a sigh of relief now, knowing that she won't still be gumming her food to death at the age of five - I was beginning to think she might!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Financial, swimming and falling woes.

Well, it's been a busy few days here readers. I'd like to say it's because I've been powering along on my thesis but all I've managed to do on that in the last week is find about 5 articles I need to read (I found them, printed them off and there they sit on my computer waiting to be read - I haven't even stapled them, how sad. And I call myself a Type A personality - ha).

Well, the banks gave us a big fat raspberry, and two credit card companies have laughed in our faces - seriously, where are all these dodgy credit companies whose only criteria is that you can stand upright and have an opposable thumb??? (this is not a rhetorical question people - all dodgy credit company referrals greatly accepted!).

Today we went swimming.

It was not a good experience. Gone are the days of my little muffin being social and chatty and smiley. Two days ago, that child left and in her place I seem to have a clingy, scared, shy little person who has learnt to grip onto mummy's waist with her toes at the slightest sign that she's going to be put down.... I'm trying to tell myself to love this stage where she desperately wants to be with me. I know that all too soon she'll barely cast me a backwards glance as she slams the front door behind her on her way to some cool party, the likes of which I as a nerdy mother will no doubt never have experienced. oh Charlotte, if only you could know of the many parties your mummy went to .... met your daddy at one actually ;) but I digress (again).

which brings me to the falling. this i have not managed to capture on camera. I could take a photo of the split second after a fall where she freezes and draws breathe for the scream which will ensue - or I could in fact take a photo of the sad little face as she calms down, complete with bottom lip out and tears down the cheeks. but of course, that doesn't seem an appropriate time to rush for the camera. yes, the falls are coming thick and fast. standing is the favourite pastime at the moment - unfortunately, with standing does not always come a great sense of balance and hence the multitude of bruises..... I won't post those, just my luck I'd have DOCS banging at my door (that's the dept of child services to those of you who don't know).... or is it community services?? either way....

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So close!!!

Well I am THIS close (imagine thumb and forefinger a mere centimetre apart as I say that) to getting the backyard done - but alas the bank insists I am over-extended financially. In fact they were a little surprised that I could even support my current liabilities let alone consider borrowing more money - of course they fail to realise that I took out all of those loans while working full-time. Anyway, to take a step back, Dave and I finally admitted to ourselves that the backyard would best be tackled by a professional (i.e. someone who would actually finish it before Charlotte goes to school!!). And all in all his quote has come out only costing us $4000 more than it would have cost us to do ourselves - and it will be finished in less than 2 weeks he insists. I believe the weekends of blood, sweat and yelling at each other that we will avoid are well worth the money!! Now I just have to figure out how to convince the banks I can afford it!! Will keep you all updated!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Add 1950's housewife to my list of roles...

So in the spirit of blogging gifts (and of course in my competitive nature I wanted to beat everyone else to it).... here is the gift from Beck ..... complete with matching silicone spatula (or meanie as my husband calls them).....Thank you Beck I love it.....and here it is in all it's glory being modelled as I bake a toffee chip cheesecake.... Mmmmmmm.

And Charlotte wanted me to blog her gift from Aunty Libby - but it will have to wait until tomorrow because Mummy hasn't taken a decent photo ..... I'm sure you'll all wait with bated breath.... :)

Christmas to New Years Eve.......The final days of 2005

Well, it's a little tragic that I should be catching you all up on the final week of 2005 when in fact it is now the second day of 2006 - what can I say? I've been busy.... what's new huh?

First let me begin by recounting all of the achievements of Christmas Day. Charli girl's first visit from Santa..... and didn't she just LOVE the wrapping paper!! Not that I'm surprised really - I always knew that Dave and I would have more fun with her gifts than she would - she is only 8 months old after all. But the biggest gift for me was probably the moment that she crawled over to me (proper little girl crawling, none of this Army-style commando crawling she seems hell bent on..) pulled herself up onto her knees holding onto the couch/my legs and then pushed her little feet under her and stood up - ALL ON HER OWN.... Dave and I clapped for joy (scaring the shit out of her I might add) and in that moment I realised that life would never be the same. Okay, I guess I should have realised that the day I gave birth to her but the standing on her own - wow, our house is so not ready for this!!

Then when we went to the in-laws for lunch (with her dressed in the most adorable outfit don't you think!!??)

I was showing them how she could stand on her own and then - as if on cue - and knowing that all eyes were upon her... rather than just standing there with her little knees locked in place, swaying back and forth as if she'd consumed one too many beers - she took four little steps and fell into my arms. The applause that ensued was deafening. She giggled as she realised that she was in fact the centre of attention (again) and hasn't taken a step since!! That's my girl - just waiting for the right audience before she performs again!! :)

Then Beck turned up from Sydney and we had a lovely couple of days doing what we usually do when she's here - sweet nothing!! We cruised the shopping centres, sat in airconditioning, sat in the wading pool and sandpit in the back yard - oh and drank.... let's not forget the drinking!! Presents galore abounded (but more on that in my next post.....

All in all a lovely Christmas, a wonderful visit from friends and then rounded off with a nice relaxing New Year in our backyard with all of our other friends that have no lives.... a last minute BBQ that ended for me at 11pm (I couldn't even be bothered seeing in the new year - hard to feel inspired when you know you're going to be roused out of bed at 4.30am by she who will remain nameless!!)....

Happy 2006 to you all!