Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thought of the day.

Trying to clean your house before your children have grown up is like trying to shovel the footpath before the snow has stopped falling.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Nanna, From Princess Charlotte

Well it was Mum's birthday today - so happy birthday Mum. To celebrate this special day, Charlotte ran around in her new princess/fairy outfit courtesy of Aunty Libby. (thank you!!). It was hard to get her to sit still while she had the outfit on so I ended up having to get a photo of her sitting down - which kind of loses some of the effect......

We've also been doing a lot of gardening lately - well correction - I've been gardening and little miss monkey has been taking it easy, just kicking back watching me work...... hmph!!

Also have been meaning to post about the new 'dishwasher' game...... it's fairly self-explanatory.... behold!!