Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Day 2..... Progress!!

Good morning dear readers,
It's actually Day 3 of landscaping but I took photos this morning before they started doing any more work - I didn't get a chance to take photos yesterday because apparently my day was meant to be spent cleaning up vomit and poo, the floor, me, charlotte and wherever else said vomit and poo ended up. Yes, we have some sort of gastro bug in this house... well not in the house so much as in Charlotte. Thankfully neither her Dad nor I seem to have got this (touch wood). Anyway, so that is why lack of blog entry yesterday. To keep you up to date - here are some photos from yesterday's landscaping efforts...... progress!!


  1. You too! Poor thing. I had to ask Ben to come home the other day early when Henry started because there was so much of it everywhere and Henry wouldn't let me put him down to clean it up. I hope she gets better soon.

  2. i don't think we've got it as bad as your household though!!!
