Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Take a moment to feel the grass beneath your feet...

Hello dear readers, tonight I write to you with a song in my heart - yes, the landscaping that we've been 'getting around to' for six years now (until we finally came to our senses and paid a wonderful landscaper to do) is nearly completed. Well, okay, the plants are yet to be planted and the sand pit is yet to be filled with sand... but you get my drift. They say a picture speaks 1000 words, so I'm going to leave you with the visual.....

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  1. Oh my goodness – your garden is fantastic... I can't wait to come over and try it out!

  2. That looks fantastic. I bet you just want to go down there and roll in the grass and get all itchy. There's so much of it.

  3. he he - we've already taken charlotte down there this afternoon and I kid you not - she crawled over every square inch of it - screamed bloody murder when it was time to go in for a bath (she was filthy - had found a patch of dirt and had fun smearing it all over herself!!)

  4. just beautiful :)
    Will be even better when the plants are all in!
