Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome to our newest addition!!

Today is truly a magical day dear readers - today we made it into the 20th Century. After we both had ignored the washing up (again) for five days in a row and we could no longer spot the kitchen bench and we'd run out of forks........ I decided it was time to plunge ourselves even further into debt and get ourselves a dishwasher. We haven't looked back. Officially it's my mothers day present (though hubby knows that if I don't actually also get something on the day to unwrap there will be tears..... come on, you know there will be)..... however, I haven't actually had a chance to load it, use it, or unload it yet. Hubby is still in 'novelty' mode and has been loading and unloading it twice a day - I've decided to let him, from past experience this novelty will wear off in about a week or two (the car got washed religiously every weekend when we first got it, now it probably gets washed twice a year!!!).

Now we just have to renovate the kitchen to bring it into the 21st Century - check out that lino!!!


  1. OMG!! I am so excited for you!!!

  2. this is so great. i am so glad you finally got it - i just don't know how you guys ever coped without it. but i have to ask - why is it a mother's day pressie? you aren't the only plate soiler ;)

  3. Woohoo! A dishwasher. I would kill for one of those.
