Monday, August 28, 2006

Who do I look like? it all depends on which photo you choose!!

Hi dear readers,
Well I did say that my next post would be about my thesis didn't I? Well I lied. I'm sitting here writing my overview chapter while simultaneously (in true Type-A style) playing on a website that will allow you to upload a photo to see who you match with regard to celebrity status. Now I ran four different photos before being happy to be compared to these women (you can actually choose to be compared to men and women as it utilised facial features).....

One not so charming photo I uploaded compared me solely to men.... one of them gave me a 65% match rate with Gene Hackman.... I decided to pass on that one!! Not that he's not a handsome man and all....

Now of course I can't see a resemblance between myself and any of these women but then I can't even see how my daughter resembles my husband OR I so clearly picking out facial features is not my forte...... still I'm happy to compared to any of these women - especially that sexy one of Raquel Welsh - personally? I think the shadow covering the left hand side of our faces in this photo is probably the only similarity!!


  1. I can't believe how much you look like Raquel Welch!

  2. honey you're raquel all the way :) hey it's weird what you said about charli not looking like either of you coz when hubby and i first saw her he said "that kid's the spitting image of her mum" and i said "no way she's totally like her dad". hehehe.

  3. maybe that's why i can't tell who she looks like as she has bits of both of us!! :)
    yeah, me and raquel - separated at birth LOL
