Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary

well four years ago, hubby and I tied the knot - having known each other for about 10 years prior to that!! tonight we went to Brett's Wharf Restaurant - the place he proposed to me (and I accepted!!), the place we got married and the place we spent our first (and now 4th) wedding anniversary. In true Brett's style they wished us well.......

This was written on Dave's plate of Affogato dessert (icecream with a shot of espresso and a shot of Bailey's). I have nothing but wonderful things to say about my cold seafood platter and the scrummy chocolate fondue with strawberries, freshly made orange marshmallows and pistachio praline I had for dessert.



  1. Happy Anniversary!

    And as a totally unrelated comment: my word verification to enable me to post this comment is "vomet".

  2. Congratulations. *drool* Those desserts sound (and look) great!

  3. Congrats!!!

    Oh and thanks very much - I now want seafood for dinner!!!!

  4. Has it really been only four years, it feels like you guys have been together for ever! Happy anniversay!
