Friday, October 13, 2006

68, 130 words ..... and a bucket load of tears later...

Well it's been an interesting couple of days. Because the best combination in the world is a heavily pregnant lady, a thesis-submission date looming a mere 8 weeks away, and a toddler who has learnt to throw herself on the floor and scream at the mere mention of the word 'no' from her parents. It's a wonder Dave bothers to come home from work at all anymore. I suspect that no amount of server problems or email crashing or IT-user complaints could anywhere near rival the state of utter chaos that has become our lives. Or maybe I'm exaggerating a little - those pregnancy hormones are likely to do that to you.

but anyway, having said all that, note the word count..... not that that is any indication of how near to completion I am... I still don't know the answer to that one. I do know that I'm still running analyses (something I did not expect to still be doing at this stage), I still have a host of formatting problems to fix, and I suspect that there is still a mountain of interpretation of results I have yet to do... and the best time to try and make insightful, brilliant conclusions - why when you are 36 weeks pregnant of course!! *sigh*


  1. no sorry i'm only actually 30 weeks tomorrow - it's just that's about the time when I'll have to be pulling my thesis together and making some insightful conclusions... hard enough now - going to be damn near impossible in 6 weeks!! :)

  2. Whoa, HUGE increase in words from the last update - very good!
    I don't know the first thing about a thesis process, but I think these 'people' who you have to submit your thesis to should know your situation, and the environment (ie teething toddlers etc) in which you wrote it, and take this into account when reading it :)
    When I was pregnant some days I couldn't even string 3 words together correctly... Not that I can do any better now ;) So I think you're doing an awesome job!
