Thursday, November 23, 2006

9 ....

Nine days and counting people..... it's being submitted to the printers on Monday 4th December. there is no question of 'will it be done?'.... whatever is done by the 4th is being submitted.

My midwife informs me that although my belly has dropped and baby is head down, it is not yet engaged.... so I still have time up my sleeve. Cross fingers and toes.


  1. Have you asked the midwives for a plug yet?

    A friend of mine once asked for one because she just wasn't ready for the whole birthing experience :-)

  2. it's okay. i'm sure that as much as i want this baby to wait 9 days and then come out....she'll make me wait the 41/42 weeks for sure..... :)

  3. You are certainly one brave woman. You've taken on a lot and it's soon all going to pay off.
