Sunday, February 18, 2007

Because I too need to de-clutter

To dear Michelle and Meegan and all my other friends who feel the need as Autumn is approaching (okay well not really but one day soon!!) to de-clutter their lives..... here is an extra special website by FlyLady - I'm starting on her baby steps beginners daily plan tomorrow..... I'll let you know how I go! Have fun de-cluttering and let me know how you go.



  1. I've heard of this website and even looked at it before. The thing is ...what about the children? What are we supposed to do with them while we're decluttering? Won't someone think of the children...or at least take them away for a few days while we declutter.

  2. Taking away the children so we can just get something, ANYTHING done would be enough for me :)
    I'm going to check out this FlyLady's plan when I get home. After I've made dinner. After Owen has had a bath. After he's gone to bed. After the kitchen's cleaned up....
    Oh maybe when he's 30 I'll get to it ;)
