Sunday, May 20, 2007

Roly poly girl

Well, my little second born muffin has one up on her sister in the smart stakes :) Not only is she rolling a month earlier than Charli ever did, but she realises that she can sleep on her tummy - something that caused Charli great distress when she first learnt to roll


  1. Hey hey

    love the photo... check out how bendy her toe is on her right foot!!

  2. Yep - now comes the fun part. You leave her on the floor for two seconds whilst you leave the room, then come back to discover her under a chair or wedged under the lounge or other such feat! She'll be realising soon that she can crawl/slither and there'll be no rest for you then (not that you get much now anyway)!

  3. what a clever cookie!! Can you get her to teach Indy that?? Silly bugger STILL hasn't learnt that tummies are for sleeping, lol.
