Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why you should not rely on your kids for your self-esteem

Charli watching an advertisement for Lite n Easy:

C: Mum, do you want to get thinner?
Me: Well actually Charli I am trying to lose a little weight. (I've only been exercising for 3 days mind you).
C: Well do you know what you have to do? You have to eat healthy.
Me: Thanks Charli, I have been eating healthier lately?
C: Really? Well you're not really looking thinner....

Er.... thanks.


  1. LOL!! They are priceless aren't they! Like Mim, "do you have to put make up on because you're ugly?"

  2. Hey Carla, the whole deck was built by True Line Buiders. THe price was the best and the end result is excellent. Definitely recommend!
