Sunday, September 10, 2006

4am panic writing

Well it's 4am on a Sunday morning....... 13 weeks to go until the deadline and I've woken up in a panic that I've written up all my MANOVAs incorrectly (based on someone else's write-up that I've borrowed)..... so of course rather than lie there stressing about it I decided to take the more productive approach of getting up and actually working on it. I will no doubt regret this decision in about 2 hours when I have to get up to small child.... plus there is a first birthday party on the agenda this morning but I suspect unfortunately I am going to have to un-rsvp to that. I'm hoping she will understand (the mum, not the one-year old!!!). I have warned people that I am going to be totally selfish with my time for the next few months and I hope that they can all forgive me for the occasions that I miss.
Anyway, best be off and actually write these stats up. As of later today I may start posting pics of the growing pile of thesis as it emerges.



  1. You'll be fine :)
    Better to get up and do something productive, rather than lie there and go crazy thinking about it!

  2. good on you carls. noone will mind you piking out of things for such a worthy cause. keep at it babe.

  3. Completely understood. Plus, I really want you to get this thing done so we can catch up for more 'coffee and shopping' when it is done. Well, at least that is what my husband thinks we all do everyday! Bless him???
